Sekarang kita akan mempelajari yang namanya Pronoun. Dalam bahasa Indonesia biasa kita sebut sebagai kata ganti. Dan dalam bahasa Inggris sendiri ada banyak sekali Pronoun,yaitu sebagai berikut.
Note: Possessive As Adjective selalu diikuti dengan Noun,sedangkan As Pronoun tidak.
The Function of Reflexive
1.To emphasize subject
e.g. She herself wrote this letter yesterday.
2.To emphasize object
e.g. I have met Mr.Kalend himself.
3.After the word "by"(means alone)
e.g. I answer all questions by myself.(alone)
Untuk memudahkan kita dalam menghafal penggunaan masing-masing pronoun,mari kita lihat beberapa kalimat berikut ini:
A.I bring my book for me myself because this book is mine.
B.You bring your book for you yourself/yourselves because this book is yours.
C.We bring our book for us ourselves because this book is ours.
D.They bring their book for them themselves because this book is theirs.
E.He brings his book for him himself because this book is his.
F.She brings her book for her herself because this book is hers.